
Over the last couple of years a few people have commissioned me to make models for them and I thought it was probably worth making a page to outline my approach to commission work. If you would like me to make something please have a read through the FAQ below and if you are happy please feel free to get in touch.

  1. What can I build? Most of my commission builds so far have been armour although I’ve done several aircraft too. I’ve also been getting more and more into figures and sci-if subjects so if your project falls into any of those categories please ask. My main caveat is that I will generally only accept commissions that I find ‘interesting’, in practice that could mean an aircraft or vehicle I’ve not built before, one with an interesting story (someone asked me to build models of the aircraft his father flew in WW2 for example), a new kit or a new scale (1/16 tanks seem to be all the rage). Oh, anything Star Wars too.
  2. What will it cost? I don’t see myself as a particularly talented artist who charges an extortionate fee. Usually I will bill you for the cost of the model plus any extras I’ve had to purchase to build it and ask for a ‘tip’ on top of whatever extra you would like to add. As a guide I generally consider doubling the cost of parts to be fair and generous but understand that some can’t afford that, which is why I only build commissions that I want to build. I also don’t accept payment until you’ve seen photos of the finished piece and it’s ready to post.
  3. How long will it take? It really depends on the subject and what else I’ve got going on. Figures and busts on their own are generally pretty quick to paint. Tanks take slightly longer and aircraft probably a few months. It also depends on scale. On the other hand you won’t pay until it’s done so hopefully it won’t be a huge inconvenience. That said, if you have a deadline let me know and I’ll give you a fair assessment of whether I can meet it or not.
  4. Can I buy something you’ve already built? Sure, if there’s anything you see on here or on my social media that you would like please let me know and we can discuss a price.

I hope that helps, if you’re interested please feel free to get in touch either on social media (@idlemrb on Twitter, WarhammerAdjacent on Instagram, threads or Facebook) or by leaving a comment here.

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