
Over the last couple of years a few people have commissioned me to make models for them and I thought it was probably worth making a page to outline my approach to commission work. If you would like me to make something please have a read through the FAQ below and if you are happyContinue reading “Commissions”

Bench Update: Tamiya Mark IV

This is the best kit I’ve ever built! It went together like a dream, many of the parts are push/snap fit to allow them to be removed to maintain the motor/change the batteries. Yes, that’s right, it has a motor too and will comfortably trundle across obstacles, much like the real thing. I’ve been workingContinue reading “Bench Update: Tamiya Mark IV”

2022 in Review

I thought it might be worth doing a belated rundown of my builds for the last year, not least because as I looked through some pictures I realised that I’d forgotten what I’d actually built! I got this kit for Christmas and couldn’t resist building it. I based the build on a vehicle captured byContinue reading “2022 in Review”

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